Mindful Eating


We live in a “diet” culture. Every day there is a new diet to follow with the promise of eternal health and weight loss. We often hear,  "eat this", "don’t eat that", and then end with this large layer of guilt on our shoulders when we violate either of these expectations. There is an easier way. 

Mindful eating encourages one to find balance in eating good food and treat foods. It allows you to eat in balance with your body, not too little food  and not too much. It allows for body acceptance and reducing guilt and binge cycles with eating. 

  For more information on mindful eating check out our clip from Fox44 news!

Did you know there are more than one kind of hunger? Think about your own eating triggers. I know for me it is garlic oil, or brewing coffee just one whiff makes me want to eat or drink that food? What about you? 

 The 7 kinds of hungers from Mindful Eating: A guide to rediscovering a healthy and joyful relationship with food explain many of our eating triggers.

Eye hunger (see something at the bakery or a commercial on TV and then the craving starts)

Nose hunger: like smelling baking bread or coffee or cookies, you might have a craving to eat that particular food. 

Mouth hunger: looking for something crunchy or smooth just to munch on. 

Stomach hunger: this is real hunger! Stomach growling is based on hormonal changes the release of ghrelin to cue the brain that we are hungry.This is one of our best cues for eating. 

Cellular hunger: to feed our body the nutrients we need to survive and thrive. 

Mind hunger: food cues like eat more protein might add more to your plate just because you think you need to eat more. 

Heart hunger: emotional food cravings, like eating comfort food when you are sick or a certain treat food when you are sad. 

So with all of these different eating cues how do we find our true balance to eat when we are hungry and stop when we are full? 

Top 5 tips: 

1) Go for the growl (eat only when you have a true stomach growl) 

2) Ask yourself if you would be hungry for an apple (to limit mindless munching)

3) Stop over eating, stop eating when you are satisfied vs. full

4) Make peace with food, you can have all foods at some point, it doesn't mean it can be always or never. 

5) Accept your body. Healthy bodies come in all shapes in sizes, find a realistic expectation and perception of your own body. 

Balanced eating is the goal.

Eating everything in moderation and find your true hunger signals.