Halloween Treats @ Home


Happy Halloween! This is the season of sweets & treats. We have some fun spooky ways to mix some healthy Halloween treats in. We usually recommend enjoying a few pieces of candy for a few days around Halloween but otherwise, try to have your child trade in their candy for a non-food toy or special item. We believe in moderation and a little candy here and there but when we get pillowcases full this can put parents in a tough position. Below we have kid friendly Apple Monsters and a Foaming Witch's Brew Hot Chocolate. But you can also try simple swaps like using black bean spaghetti for regular noodles around Halloween which are black but also rich in protein and fiber. Or try making jack o'lantern faces on mandarin oranges with using a marker to draw on the face, for a fun lunchbox treat. Have a safe and healthy Halloween!

Here are some fun Halloween treats!

Apple Monsters

Makes 8 monsters


2 apples chopped in mouth shapes (can cut into quarters or sixths)

lemon juice to coat apples

2 Tbs peanut butter or other nut butters

3 Tbs sunflower seeds

10 marshmallows

2 Tbs raisins


1. Cut apples into 4ths or 6ths, then cut out a small mouth in the middle of the apple. Stuff with nut butter, then put sunflower seed into the edges of the apple mouth as teeth. Use toothpicks to put the marshmallow eyes on top and put a raisin in the middle of the eyes.

Tip: To keep the apples from turning brown, coat them with a little lemon juice first.

Foaming Witches Brew Hot Chocolate


  • 4 cups whole milk or plant based milk

  • 2 Tbs dark cocoa powder

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 2 Tbs maple syrup

  • pinch of salt


1. In a small saucepan, combine cocoa powder, maple syrup, milk, salt and vanilla. Warm over medium/low heat stirring occasionally. The color will get deep dark brown from the cocoa powder. Once this is heated (before boiling) pour into 4 mugs, reserving about 1/2C of the hot milk. Put into a milk frother to make frothed milk and layer the chocolate foam on top. Garnish with a gummy worm for fun!